7 Dangerous Toilet infections, Their Symptoms And Preventions

Investigations have shown that millions of individuals are still victims of toilet infections. Studies have discovered, however, that such infections are not contacted by using just any bathroom, but from dirty or public toilets hosting billions of bacteria and viruses.

The two main causes of these toilet infections are the use of public toilets containing a lot of unhygienic, contagious bacteria, and then reckless actions such as neglecting to wash hands after using the toilet. When a woman uses a public bathroom she can’t know for sure who else used the seat before her or what kind of diseases they deal with, and they need to be vigilant.

A person suffering from toilet infections has to endure a lot of discomforts, they may find it uncomfortable to sit down and move around comfortably, scratching might also come up in public areas and become painful.

7 Preventable Toilet Infections

The following are the seven preventable toilet diseases:

1. Escherichia coli
E.coli is about today’s most prevalent bathroom illness. It is an intestinal infection (discovered in the intestine) and is mostly transmitted through the toilet seats. Nausea, diarrhoea and abdominal pain are possible symptoms seen in infected individuals.

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2. Influenza
This infection is caused by a virus, influenza virus. It is commonly known as the flu. It is a disease that attacks the throat and lungs, mostly, and is contracted through contaminated toilet surfaces. Symptoms are cold, fever, sore throat, etc.

3. Norovirus
The norovirus is nearly like the E. coli, except for getting rid of it requires more than a wash. So don’t offer it a chance to construct in your toilet. It is also mostly discovered around the seat of the toilet. Sudden nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are major symptoms seen.

4. Staphylococcus
Staphylococcus is contracted through contaminated surfaces such as the seat in the toilet. For as long as two months, it can remain alive. Boils and cellulitis (infected sores) are probable to occur in infected people. Although, if left untreated for a long time, staphylococcus may not initially threaten life, but it may lead to a more serious disease such as pneumonia.

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5. Shigella
When contact is made between an infected surface (door knobs, handles, toilet seats, etc.) and an individual, this type of toilet disease is contracted. If they use contaminated water, one may also be infected. Symptoms include diarrhoea, abdominal pain, dysentery, etc.

6. Streptococcus
This bacterium is discovered in the neck region in a human being, arranged in chains. It is also mostly contracted through the seat of the toilet and has the following symptoms: skin rashes, sore throat, swollen throat, fever, fatigue, stomach ache, etc.

7. Gardnerella
This infection is also known as bacterial vaginosis and is discovered in females. Its main symptoms include (with less itching) vaginal discharge.

The medical information provided in this article is provided as an information resource only. This information does not create any patient-physician relationship and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment.

Read also: Frequent Yeast Infections: Causes And Remedy

Prevention Of Toilet Infections

1. Total cleanliness and care can prevent toilet disease.
2. Wash your bathroom as carefully as appropriate (every day) with a brush and detergent or other cleaning agents.
3. Wash your hands with soap, after visiting the toilet carefully; as germs can be transmitted from it to other regions of the house or even your mouth.
4. In order to prevent splashing contaminated fluid on yourself, always wash the toilet before sitting on it.

5. Make sure that you change your underwear regularly for females.
6. Vaginal lotions also assist safeguard females against damaging diseases in the toilet.
7. After urinating, clean your vagina with tissue paper.
8. If you are unable to avoid public toilets, leave some tissue paper in the toilet to avoid splashing water on you when you use it.
9. Avoid sharing underwear and towels.

Read also: Cold And Flu: Natural Ways To Reduce Their Symptoms

All these toilet infections can be cured, so do not hesitate to consult your doctor for adequate checkup and therapy if you have any of the above symptoms, but remember that prevention is always the best option.

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