How Painful Is Tooth Extraction Without Anesthesia?

How Painful Is Tooth Extraction Without Anesthesia?

Visiting the dentist can often evoke feelings of unease or anxiety for many individuals. However, one comforting aspect has always been the assurance of anesthesia, a fundamental tool in modern dentistry that alleviates the potential agony associated with dental procedures. Anesthesia has revolutionized the way we perceive dental care, transforming what was once considered a … Read more

How To Cure Gum Disease Without a Dentist

How To Cure Gum Disease Without a Dentist

When it comes to oral health, our gums often take the back seat until discomfort or problems arise. Gum disease, ranging from the mild form known as gingivitis to the more severe periodontitis, is a prevalent yet often overlooked condition that affects millions worldwide. While a visit to the dentist is crucial for comprehensive care, … Read more

Can I Have Intercourse After Tooth Extraction?

Can I Have Intercourse After Tooth Extraction?

After tooth extraction, any intense or highly aerobic activity, including intercourse or some forms of sexual activity (even kissing), should be avoided for at least two days. Oral sex, on the other hand, should be avoided until the wound has healed for a few weeks. Physical activity after tooth extraction can cause Dry socket. Try … Read more

How Long Does It Take For Smoking To Affect Your Teeth?

How Long Does It Take For Smoking To Affect Your Teeth?

The amount of time it takes for smoking to affect your teeth or gums varies due to certain factors such as; the rate at which you smoke, oral hygiene, quality of the cigarette, hydration, diet, etc. At the minimum, it can take about one week to a month of continuous smoking before the effects of … Read more