How Long Does It Take For Smoking To Affect Your Teeth?

How Long Does It Take For Smoking To Affect Your Teeth?

The amount of time it takes for smoking to affect your teeth or gums varies due to certain factors such as; the rate at which you smoke, oral hygiene, quality of the cigarette, hydration, diet, etc. At the minimum, it can take about one week to a month of continuous smoking before the effects of … Read more

5 Best Mouthwash For Cigarette Smokers

best mouthwash for smokers

All smokers needs a good mouthwash that can help them fight bacteria, plaque buildup, teeth discoloration and gum diseases. Fortunately, the best mouthwash for cigarette smokers are very easy to get and affordable. Every smoker that cares for his/her oral health must use a mouthwash! You could be putting your gums and mouth at risk … Read more

Can Mouthwash Be Used As a Disinfectant?

Can Mouthwash Be Used As a Disinfectant?

Mouthwash is primarily an antiseptic but sometimes people use it as a disinfectant. Today, people use the two words interchangeably causing more confusion. Is it ideal to use mouth as a disinfectant? How effective is mouthwash for disinfecting objects and surfaces?. Continue reading to find out… Disinfectants are chemical agents that are used to destroy … Read more

What Can Expired Mouthwash Be Used For?

What Can Expired Mouthwash Be Used For

What Can Expired Mouthwash Be Used For? Of course, there are so many household things you can use your expired mouthwash for. Why waste your expired mouth when you can actually put it to other good use? Mouthwash, like all other medicines, beverages, and foods, has an expiration date. The expiration dates on oral care … Read more