Is Female Discharge Edible?

YES! Female discharge is edible. Swallowing vaginal secretions is quite natural. Just be sure your companion isn’t infected with anything sexually transmissible. Oral sex on a woman may be highly wonderful for her, as well as entertaining to watch. If you lick or drink the fluid from her vagina, it is not risky or harmful to your health. In fact, eating female discharge has some health benefits you should know.

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When you have oral sex, the fluid in her vagina is naturally produced by a gland in her vagina to help lubricate it, making it simpler to penetrate. It’s also an indication that she’s excited. This fluid has a somewhat alkaline taste and usually has an odor, but it isn’t nasty. It is generally safe to consume and has no negative health consequences.

Every health-conscious product, from yogurt to kombucha, contains the same probiotic bacteria found in the vagina. According to the research, the vaginal environment contains lactobacillus, a bacteria that is responsible for maintaining vaginal pH.

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Lactobacilli produce lactic acid, which helps to maintain a healthy pH in the female discharge. Lactobacillus crispatus, Lactobacillus jensenii, Lactobacillus iners, Lactobacillus gasseri, and Lactobacillus reuteri are commonly found in vaginal secretions.

Depending on the woman, a gram of vaginal fluid contains about 100,000 to 100 million Lactobacillus cells. To gain the benefits of probiotics, one would have to consume between 10g and 10,000g (10 kg) of vaginal discharge.

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It’s worth noting that a serving of female discharge not only contains beneficial nutrients, but may also transfer harmful bacteria and sexually transmitted infections (herpes, human papilloma virus, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis), so it’s always a good idea you and your partner get tested before you go down on her.

How To Know Normal And Abnormal Female Discharge

Normal and abnormal female discharge

Female discharge is produced by the healthy vaginal tissue. Changes in these fluids can indicate a problem. How can you know if the vaginal secretions are normal or abnormal?

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Normal vaginal fluids lubricate the vagina and help to clean it by eliminating old cells. There is usually no odor to these fluids. They have a transparent or milky appearance. You may notice the fluid is thin, or stringy from time to time.

Abnormal vaginal fluids are always implicated by their color. It’s possible that a bright yellow or green discharge is a cause for alarm. Something is wrong if your discharge is thick, clumped, chunky (like cottage cheese), or extremely watery.

The medical information provided in this article is provided as an information resource only. This information does not create any patient-physician relationship and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment.

Female discharge differences could indicate an infection or another health problem. It could also be a symptom of a problem if you suddenly have a lot more vaginal fluid than usual.

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According to a study, you may have a yeast infection if your discharge is whitish to pale yellow, thick, and clumped, and you have vaginal irritation or burning. According to another study, you may have bacterial vaginosis if your discharge is thicker than usual, watery, grey in color, and has a fishy odor. If your discharge becomes more frequent and is green or yellow in color with a foul odor, or if it is producing additional symptoms, you should consult your doctor.

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